An alcohol or drug DUI conviction can have far-reaching repercussions, such as legal penalties, driver’s license suspension and even a criminal record. Furthermore, this event can also significantly disrupt personal and professional lives.
An experienced Atlanta DUI attorney can assist drivers in avoiding automatic license suspension by challenging the Department’s decision within 30 days of arrest and sometimes obtain a limited driving permit for work and medical appointments.
1. Insurance Rates
An DUI conviction comes with many hidden expenses that go far beyond legal fines and driver’s license suspension. These expenses can have far-reaching effects on your wallet and lifestyle.
One of the more costly repercussions of being charged with DUI is an unexpected increase in auto insurance premiums. A DUI can cause your premiums to skyrocket, leaving a massive bill which may put strain on your finances for years.
Georgia insurers view DUI offenders as high-risk drivers and charge higher rates accordingly. Furthermore, any DUI will remain on your record for several years and cost you more when purchasing vehicles in the future.
As previously noted, there are various strategies available to you to help lessen the financial strain caused by alcohol abuse. You could try applying for a hardship permit that allows you to drive only when absolutely necessary or make other arrangements such as using designated drivers or ride-sharing services instead. You could even try getting around it by opting out of drinking alcohol altogether and instead relying on public transit or staying with friends when going out.
Remember, too, that being charged with DUI will appear on your criminal record and could prevent future employment opportunities as many employers conduct background checks on potential employees. This can be especially troublesome if your job depends on driving abilities such as trucking or medical professionals who rely on these abilities for work purposes.
2. Employment
Employers typically conduct criminal background checks before hiring employees, and even first-time DUIs may negatively impact employment prospects. Employers might view it as evidence of poor judgment or irresponsibility that could cause safety concerns; such behavior is typically disqualifying for any job in any industry. Furthermore, certain professions such as healthcare providers and teachers require holding professional licenses, which a DUI conviction could threaten.
DUI can have far-reaching repercussions for both job prospects and finances. Beyond criminal penalties (fines, attorney fees, probationary periods, alcohol education programs and possible jail time), such as increased insurance premiums or lost income caused by suspension of driving privileges; it can make it more difficult to save for future expenses like further education or a career change.
An experienced Atlanta DUI lawyer can assist clients in understanding the potential ramifications of DUI arrest and how best to mitigate its impacts. An employer may be less concerned if there is evidence of successful rehabilitation such as attending alcohol treatment programs or counseling; or if the arrest occurred years ago and no additional convictions occurred since.
3. Criminal Record
DUI convictions stay on your criminal record permanently, which may hinder employment opportunities and housing options, since employers conduct background checks. They may also impact careers requiring driving licenses, fleet vehicles or security clearance.
An DUI conviction in Georgia is considered a crime, which can have far-reaching repercussions for your future. Depending on the facts of your case, penalties could include jail time, fines, probation, clinical evaluation and treatment programs, community service hours mandatory installation of an ignition interlock device on your vehicle as well as photo publication in legal newspapers – with jail time potentially following in some instances.
Even first time DUI convictions can result in jail time. Following their jail term, individuals will likely be sentenced to probation which may include home confinement and wearing of a GPS monitor. A judge may also order alcohol education classes and substance abuse treatment services as necessary.
DUI offenses in Georgia are considered serious offenses and, depending on the severity of the charge, can even constitute felonies. A conviction will lead to your license being suspended by the Department of Driver Services for up to five years; following this period you will be required to install an ignition interlock device on your vehicle after it has been reinstated, along with paying reinstatement fees.
4. Family Life
An Atlanta DUI arrest can have significant repercussions for family life, particularly for parents. From custody battles and divorce proceedings to visitation arrangements and parenting time issues, having been charged and convicted can have lasting ramifications that significantly diminish parenting time, decision-making rights and visitation arrangements – making hiring a skilled lawyer as soon as possible essential.
If you are arrested for DUI with children present, additional penalties could apply under O.C.G.A SS 40-6-391(l). These could include community service hours and mandatory attendance at an alcohol/drug risk reduction program as well as mandatory probation.
Many individuals encountering DUI are taken aback at how serious of an offense it can be. A skilled DUI defense lawyer can challenge evidence and procedures used by police, work with forensic experts and sometimes get charges reduced or dropped altogether.
If this is your second DUI offense or more, the penalties increase significantly. Don’t let a second DUI destroy your life; contact Yeargan & Kert immediately so they can fight to keep your license, avoid jail time, and secure your future.